Washington, Feb. 4 -- Caption for image above (left to right: Mona Dave, Consultant for BRAC International, Shameran Abed, Executive Director of BRAC International, Shweta Banerjee, Country Lead for India, BRAC International, Shri Charanjit Singh, Additional Secretary and CEO of NRLPS, Smt Smriti Sharan, Joint Secretary (RL-1) of DAY-NRLM, Raman Wadha, Director of DAY-NRLM, P. Usha Rani, IBCB SISD and HR, NRLM)

National Rural Livelihood Promotion Society (NRLPS), an autonomous body under the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) signed an MOU with BRAC International, a Global South-led organisation with a mission to empower people and communities. The MoU has been signed for inclusion of the poorest of the poor under Deendayal Antyodaya Y...