Sri Lanka, April 8 -- The Sinhala and Hindu New Year, known as Aluth Avurudda, holds a special place in the hearts of the Sinhalese and Hindu communities in Sri Lanka. It's a time for joyful gatherings and heartfelt wishes for prosperity and happiness in the coming year. Among the various customs observed during this festive occasion, the exchange of gifts stands out as a significant tradition, representing the spirit of generosity and goodwill.

Words - Sachini Perera

One beloved gift choice that exemplifies the essence of Aluth Avurudda is traditional sweets and treats. Families take great care in preparing or selecting delectable Sinhala sweets like kokis, kavum, and aluwa. These mouthwatering delicacies are meticulously arranged in decorative boxes or baskets, symbolizing the sweetness and abundance that everyone hopes for in the New Year. Fruit baskets also hold a special place as customary gifts during Aluth Avurudda. Laden with a variety of seasonal fruits such as mangoes, bananas, and oranges, these baskets symbolize not only abundance but also the wish for good health and vitality in the year ahead. Offering fruit baskets is a heartfelt gesture of wishing prosperity and well-being to friends and family members.

Published by HT Digital Content Services with permission from Lanka Woman.