Sri Lanka, April 18 -- Avurudu, the Sinhala and Hindu New Year, is a time of joyous celebration marked by vibrant traditions and mouthwatering delicacies. However, indulging in oily and sugary foods during this festive season can sometimes lead to discomfort such as stomach bloating and indigestion. In such instances, turning to Ayurvedic principles can offer effective solutions to maintain digestive health and overall well-being.

This article brings forth the expertise of Dr. Tharka Darshani Kumari, a renowned Ayurvedic practitioner, to guide us through the festive season. As we revel in the joy of Avurudu celebrations, she shares invaluable insights into maintaining digestive wellness amidst indulgent feasts. From traditional remedies to nourishing alternatives, her wisdom illuminates pathways to balance and vitality. Through her guidance, we discover the power of Ayurveda to enhance our well-being during this auspicious time.

Published by HT Digital Content Services with permission from Lanka Woman.