India, May 17 -- ALL INDIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (AIIMS), NEW DELHI has issued a tender notice titled "Viral Barrier Gowns for Neurosurgical Procedure, Qty: 20000" with the tender reference no.: GEM/2024/B/4951896.

The tender details are as follows: Viral Barrier Gowns for Neurosurgical Procedure

The expression of interest should be received by June 6.

For more information, contact ALL INDIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (AIIMS), NEW DELHI, Ministry Of Health And Family Welfare

Department of Health and Family Welfare

Hirday Ram Verma 110029, 1st Floor , New Pvt. Ward, Store Section (CN Centre) , AIIMS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi,

Aiims, New Delhi,

Disclaimer: Curated by HT Syndication....