India, April 20 -- The Royal Enfield 'Shotgun 350,' a customised version of the Meteor 350, is the newest creation of the famous American custom motorcycle builder Baxter Cycle. Baxter Cycle specialises in Triumph and Royal Enfield bikes and this one-of-a-kind build shows off their skill. It's important to make it clear that the "Shotgun 350" is a custom motorcycle project by Baxter Cycle that has nothing to do with any rumoured upcoming Royal Enfield Shotgun 350 model. The "Shotgun 350" takes a normal Meteor 350 and changes it in very specific ways, drawing inspiration from the classic bobber-style motorcycles. Making a connection to Royal Enfield's past of making the Shotgun 650 from the Super Meteor 650, the first idea was to make a bo...